Department "Economic Policy"

Head: Elena Lenchuk, Doctor of Economics

Scientific Secretary – Irina Bukina, PhD in Economics

Center for Innovative Economy and Industrial Policy (Head: Valentina Dorzhieva, PhD in Economics)

  • Subcenter "Institutions of Innovative Economy" (Head: Valentina Dorzhieva, PhD in Economics)
  • Subcenter "Energy Policy" (Head: Vladimir Voloshin, Doctor of Economics, Professor)
  • Subcenter "Competition Policy" (Head: Irina Kurnysheva, Doctor of Economics)


Center for Institutions of Socio Economic Development (Head: Nikolay Akhapkin, PhD in Economics)


Center for Institutional and Evolutionary Economics (Head: Kirdina-Chandler Svetlana Georgievna, Doctor of Social Science)

Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting (Head: Irina Bukina, PhD in Economics)


Center for International Macroeconomics and International Economic Relations (Head: Darya Ushkalova, PhD in Economics)


Center for Development of Human Potential (Head: Irina Soboleva, Doctor of Economics)

  • Subcenter "Employment Policy and Social and Labor Relations" (Head: Irina Soboleva, Doctor of Economics)
  • Subcenter "Socio-Economic Studies of Quality and Standard of Living" (Head: Vyacheslav Bobkov, Doctor of Economics, Professor)







The Center for Institutional and Evolutionary Economics (known as the Laboratory for methodological problems of socialist reproduction of the Department for reproduction and efficiency since 1987, as the Center for macroeconomic strategy since 2000, as the Center for evolutionary theory and economic development in 2006-2020, and the Center for Institutional and Evolutionary Economics and Applied Problems of Reproduction in 2021-2024) is one of the oldest organizational units of the Institute of Economics, RAS.

The scientific leader of the Center has been Vladimir Mayevsky, Full Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences. What distinguishes the Center’s work is fundamental research combined with practical applicability of its theoretical findings for Russia’s economic policy. In recent years, the Center has been increasingly focused on interdisciplinary studies made possible by its highly qualified personnel and invited researchers.

The Center has gained international prestige in the field of evolutionary and institutional economics. It is proved by the high status of the International Symposia on Evolutionary Economics held by the Center in Pushchino since 1994 attracting experts from all over the world, multi-authored works published by CIEEAPR experts in cooperation with internationally renowned research leaders in this field, their articles in Russian and foreign specialized magazines and participation in editorial boards of these magazines.

CIEEAPR experts take part in the most highly respected Russian and international conferences on evolutionary and institutional economics and win research grants from the Russian Foundation for Humanities, Russian Foundation for Basic Research and Russian Science Foundation on a regular basis, which is a sign of recognition of their high-level scientific achievements.

Since 2008 the Center regularly organizes all-Russia workshops for young researchers in the field of evolutionary and institutional economics in different Russian cities. In 2015 it established the Leonid Abalkin award for the best young scholars in this field.

Field of research

Developing a heterodox economic theory (including a new theory of capital reproduction and a theory of institutional matrices) and methodological prerequisites for economic heterodoxy; studying and modeling economic growth; comparative institutional studies.

Main research areas

  • Developing a new theory of capital reproduction taking into account the switching mode of reproduction processes. Designing a class of mathematical models of economic growth, with regard to the switching mode effect (SME models).
  • Studying the role and the institutional framing of the currency in circulation in economic reproduction processes; developing mesoeconomics as a promising branch of economic heterodoxy, using primarily reproduction, institutional and evolutionary approaches.
  • Philosophy and methodology of inter- and intradisciplinary interaction and scientific synthesis; focus areas and foundations for synthesis of theories of reproduction switching mode and institutional matrices.
  • Analyzing complementarity of economic, political and ideological institutions in the countries with dominating X- and Y-matrices and their modeling using methods of qualitative and quantitative analysis; analyzing the consequences of this complementarity for an economic policy.
  • Comparative analysis of contemporary institutional theories and categories from the viewpoint of advisability of using them to design Russia’s economic policy.
  • The economic policy in modern Russia from the perspective of the «new normal»: the balance between innovation orientation and stability of institutional mechanisms for decision-making and implementation control.


Head of Center

Kirdina-Chandler Svetlana, D.Sc. (Sociology)

Research staff

Mayevsky Vladimir, professor,  D.Sc. (Economics), full member of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Bashutskaya Tatyana, senior assistant

Kruglova Maria, Ph.D. in History, senior research fellow

Malkov Sergey, professor, D.Sc. (Engineering), leading research fellow

Rubinshtein Alexander, Ph.D. in Economics, senior research fellow

Vernikov Andrey, assistant professor, D.Sc. (Economics), chief research fellow

Volynsky Andrey, research fellow


Contact us

Address: 117218 Moscow, Nakhimovsky prospekt 32 Phone: +7 (499) 129-08-88 Email: (Mr. Volynsky Andrey, research fellow)


Bulletin of the IE RAS

vie 2020 4

The Journal of the New Economic Association

Society and Economy

SE 2020 7

Voprosy Teoreticheskoy Ekonomiki

World of Transformations


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Administrative office

Phone: +7 (499) 124-74-80
Fax:    +7  (499) 724-14-09


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