Main Аbout us Research Units

Research Units

I. Department "Theoretical Economics"

  • Center for Methodological, Historical and Economic Studies

Subcenter "History of Economic Thought"
Subcenter "Philosophy and Methodology of Economics"
Subcenter "Political Economics"

II. Department "Economic Policy"

Subcenter "Institutions of Innovation Economics"
Subcenter "Energy Policy"

  • Center for Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting
  • Center for International Macroeconomics and International Economic Relations
  • Center for Development of Human Potential

Subcenter "Employment Policy and Social and Labor Relations"
Subcenter "Socio-Economic Studies of Quality and Standard of Living"

III. Department "Institutions and Systems of Economic Management"

Subcenter "Theory and Methodology of Management"
Subcenter "Institutions and Mechanisms of Public Administration"
Subcenter "Economic Security"

Subcenter "Economic Problems of Federalism and Regional Policy"
Subcenter "Regional Economics and Local Government"

IV. Department "International Economic and Political Studies"

Subcenter "Post-Soviet Countries and Eurasian Integration"
Subcenter "Bilateral Relations Between Russia and its Neighbouring Countries"
Subcenter "Political Studies"

Extra-Budgetary Scientific Unit

  • Laboratory for Social and Labor Situation of Households with Children Studies




Bulletin of the IE RAS

vie 2020 4

The Journal of the New Economic Association

Society and Economy

SE 2020 7

Voprosy Teoreticheskoy Ekonomiki

World of Transformations


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Administrative office

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