Main Valentina Musychuk - Deputy Director for Research, Doctor of Economics

Valentina Muzychuk - Deputy Director for Research, Doctor of Economics, Assistant Professor

Deputy Director for Research (since 2015)

Graduated with honors from Moscow State Industrial University, Faculty of Economics and Management (1998). Doctor of Economics (2013). Assistant Professor (2022).

Sphere of professional interests: cultural economics; cultural policy; sociocultural prerequisites for economic development; ethics and economics.

Winner of the competition organized by the Foundation for National Science Support (nomination "Best economists of the RAS"), 2004 – 2005. In 2015 V. Muzychuk received an acknowledgement letter from S. Ivanov, Head of the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation, for her contribution to the Government Cultural Policy Framework.

Member of the working group on the draft federal Law On Culture in the Russian Federation (2014); member of the steering committee for celebrating a Year of Culture in the Russian Federation (2014); member of the expert group in charge of the Strategic Cultural Policy of Ulyanovsk region for the period 2014–2030; one of the authors of an annual government report on the state of culture in the Russian Federation (2014, 2015, 2016).

Member of the President's Council for Culture and Arts (since 2018), Member of the Council for the Government Cultural Policy by the Chair of the Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the RF (since 2012), expert of the RAS, Member of the Theatre Union of the RF (since 2017), Member of the Expert Council for Economic Reforms of the New Economic Association.

Professor at the Department of Arts and Cultural Policy of the Moscow Art Theatre School, author of two courses: "Cultural statistics" and "Fundamentals of the government cultural policy".

Author of more than 80 scientific publications.

Among the most important works are: Government Support for Culture: Resources, Mechanisms and Institutions. Saint-Petersburg: Nestor-Istoriya, 2013; Culture and Market. Merit Goods. Saint-Petersburg: Aleteya, 2013 (author and editor); State Paternalism in the Cultural Sector: What's Wrong with the Guidelines of the Patron in Russia? Moscow: Institute of Economics, RAS, 2017; Institutional Innovations in Government Funding of Culture. Moscow: Institute of Economics, RAS, 2016; Government Funding of Culture: Is It a Must? Moscow: Institute of Economics, RAS, 2012; Strategic Guidelines for the Development of Culture // Roadmap for Russia’s Economic Development. Saint-Petersburg, Aleteya, 2010; The Role of Culture in a Changing World // Social Policy in the Context of the “Normative Theory of the State”. Moscow: Institute of Economics, RAS, 2009; Cultural Development During the Soviet Period / Essays on the Economic History of the USSR. Moscow: INFRA-M, 2007; Developing the Society’s Cultural Potential / Russia’s Strategic Response to the Challenges of the New Century. Moscow: Ekzamen, 2004.


Bulletin of the IE RAS

vie 2020 4

The Journal of the New Economic Association

Society and Economy

SE 2020 7

Voprosy Teoreticheskoy Ekonomiki

World of Transformations


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