Main Andrey Gorodetskiy - Head of Department «Institutions and Systems of Economic Management», Honoured Scholar of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Andrey Gorodetskiy - Head of Department "Institutions and Systems of Economic Managementt", Honoured Scholar of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Professor

Full member of the Academy of Economic Sciences and Entrepreneurship, Associate Member of the International Academy of Informatization, Deputy Head of the Academy of Economic Security by the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (2001–2010), Head of the Center for Institutional and Administrative Decisions of the IE RAS (1996–2001), professor at the department of customs duties and tariffs of the Russian Customs Academy (1995–2000), member of the Free Economic Society of Russia (the VEO of Russia), member of expert council on economics under Interparliamentary Assembly of Member Nations of the CIS, member of the panel on problems of economic and social security of the Academic Board under the Security Council of the Russian Federation, Head of the editorial board of the journal "Economic Systems", member of the editorial board of the journals "Audit and Financial Analysis", member of the editorial board of the journal "Problems of Economics and Legal Practice".

Sphere of scientific interests: modern Russian economy; economic institutions and institutional reforms; government regulation and public management; economic security.


Bulletin of the IE RAS

vie 2020 4

The Journal of the New Economic Association

Society and Economy

SE 2020 7

Voprosy Teoreticheskoy Ekonomiki

World of Transformations


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